For any assumed cost/price point, the economics of the Dish CPV system will depend on the cost of the conventional energy that it replaces. The primary value would be to offset electricity. Additional value in some cases could come from the offset of energy purchased for heat.
Table (below) shows how the annual savings is affected by the cost of the electricity and heat that is avoided by the Dish CPV system. Solar conditions similar to Phoenix, Arizona are assumed. Assumed Electric prices are across the top, Assumed Heating prices are on the left side, starting with an assumed zero value for heat.
The Payback Years is based on a total cost of $4/W, simple payback (without financing cost calculation). The gray shaded areas in the lower right are where payback in less than 6 years would be achieved. This does not include the effects of any subsidies, taxes or O&M.
The long term goal is to achieve total costs much less than $4/W; in many cases electricity prices may be higher than $0.18/kWh.